what we do

Experts in our field.

We are experts in corporate and personal insolvency (including bankruptcy, liquidation and voluntary administration), business turnaround and restructuring, advisory, forensic accounting and investigations, and corporate & commercial finance.

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Solutions for every business need.

  • Our business advisory services are designed to help strengthen the operations of our clients.

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  • The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (‘ARCA’) requires companies to appoint a company secretary who is both a natural person and a resident of Singapore.

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  • Corporate insolvency in Singapore is governed by the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (‘IRDA’), and is enacted when a corporation or business cannot pay its debts in full.

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  • Our team works with distressed businesses to determine the issues affecting their performance and then to work through these issues.

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  • Financial reports in Singapore are guided by the Singapore Financial […]

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  • Our Forensic Accounting services do a deep dive into a business to determine if the actions or statements of a business or its representatives are deemed criminally fraudulent.

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  • Personal insolvency is also known as bankruptcy and in Singapore is operated under the auspices of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (‘IRDA’), which was introduced to unify some of the facets of corporate and personal insolvency.

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  • Some businesses in financial distress don’t need a full or formal reconstruction.

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Case Studies: Some businesses we have helped.

  • CS Logistics Group was an international freight forwarding and warehousing group comprising CS Logistics and CS Warehousing and was placed into Voluntary Administration (VA) in 2019.

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  • Iflix MY’s revenue was mainly derived from subscription services and the sale of advertisements on the iflix Group platform.

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